While buying organic produce and foods is important to me and definitely a priority, buying everything organic is just not financially possible for us at this time.I wish organic produce wasn't so expensive! The Environmental Working Group's Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Produce has been a great help for me in showing me which items I should buy organic and which it is OK to skip on
The guide is broken up into two lists: Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen. The Dirty Dozen list shows the twelve produce items that contain the highest amount of pesticides, like apples and bell peppers. At the other end of the spectrum, the Clean Fifteen list has the produce items that contain the least amount of pesticides. For these, it is OK to buy conventional rather than organic.
The 2012 guide was recently released and I highly recommend that you check it out and download it for your reference. You can print the PDF to keep in your purse or wallet or even better, download the free apps that are available for iPhone/iPad, Android and windows phones. Visit www.ewg.org/foodnews/guide to download today.

Talk about a wake up call! Thank you!