With four young boys, I do my fair share of toy shopping. And since I don't generally get to shop solo, I do most of my toy shopping online. One website I love to visit when in search of a new toy is Growing Tree Toys.

I enjoy shopping at Growing Tree Toys because they have a huge selection of educational toys and they make it so easy to find something to fit your needs. My twins are 3.5 now and have been receiving occupational therapy for almost 2 years. Since Growing Tree Toys lists the developmental benefits for each of the toys they sell I can always find something to help with motor skills.

The first thing I like about this product is the carrying case that it is packaged in. It has a Velcro closure and a little handle so you can store it in there forever and easily take it anywhere your kids go. The pieces are made from crepe rubber which makes them very easy to clean. Yes, I found this out after some juice was spilled on them. But really, the most important test of a toy is seeing f your kids actually play with it and enjoy it. The twins were very anxious for me to get all the pieces out so they could start playing. My 6 year old even got in on the fun. They pulled the shapes out and put them back in and stacked the pegs. Then they even played interactively with the animal shapes as the dog chased the cat and talked to each other. It was quite cute and comical.

I can definitely say that the Toddler Tote was a hit with my boys.They sat at the table for some structured play and then they carried the pieces around the house for some imaginative play. I am pretty sure they flashed me a few nasty looks when it was time to clean up and put everything back in the case. The tote has actually stayed pretty close to the table since they ask to play with it on a regular basis.
Growing Tree Toys has many toddler activity toys to choose from and as I mentioned they break everything down to let you know what the benefits of each toy is. For me, this is very helpful as I am often looking for specific things. I am currently eyeballing the Miracle Pounding Toddler Toy since my 14 month old loves to bang things and I know he would enjoy this. Plus since it is made by Plan Toys, it has several eco-friendly attributes.
Please note that the opinions and views expressed here are my own and based on my personal experience with the product. You may encounter a different experience with this than I did. I received this product for review as part of the Growing Tree Toys Blogger Network.