Happy Friday! Please add both your green and non-green giveaways and contests into
Mr. Linky below so we can do some giveaway hopping! Be sure to include
the expiration date. Thanks!
You can also submit your green giveaways to me during the week for me to feature on Fridays.
Green Mama's Pad (that's me!)
Skylanders Spyro's Adventure for Wii 12/5
Tales to Play The Little Engine That Could Game 12/7
Akron Ohio Moms
Seventh Generation Prize Pack 12/5
Crunchy Beach Mama
Naturally Fresh Crystal Deodorant Package 12/5
Merry Fluff Cloth Diaper Event 12/5
Geomate.jr ($70) 12/6
Family Focus Blog
Immune Supplement 12/5
Eco Kids Clothing 12/5
$35 Gift Card Silver Jewelry 12/6
Bath Care Gift Crate 12/8
Baby Bullet 12/12
Organic Doll 12/12
Pressure Cooker 12/15
Small Steps On Our Journey
Tropical Traditions Coconut Cream Concentrate 12/19

Hi! I linked my giveaway for a gift set of wonderful herbal skin remedies from My Mama's Love! http://mindfulmomma.typepad.com/mindful_momma/2011/12/daily-deal-and-giveaway-my-mamas-love-skin-remedies-from-lullaby-organics.html