For a few years I've wanted to start my own organic vegetable garden, but have put it off because I have no idea what I am doing and I am totally intimidated by it. Well not this year! No, this year I am going to give it a try and hope for the best. Best of all, I am not doing it alone. Green & Clean Mom has started a movement for organic gardening called Get Dirty with Green &a Clean Mom. It doesn't mater if you are a beginner like me or an expert, anyone can do it.
So what am I going to be doing to get dirty this year? For starters, I purchased some organic veggies seeds at Target: summer squash, peppers, cucumbers & tomatoes. There really isn't too much rhyme or reason to what I picked. I got peppers because organic ones at our grocery store are so darn expensive that I can't afford to buy them. My boys love cucumbers so I figured that would be good too. I should be getting some biodegradable "peat pots" this weekend so I can start some of the seeds indoors. Being in New England, it will stay cold for a bit so I can't plant these outside until after the last frost.
I'm also hoping to get a strawberry jar/pot for my birthday and plant some strawberry plants. I know William will love picking them! I think I would also like to get a few grape tomato plants.
So join in and get dirty with us! Do you have plans for an organic garden this spring? Please share with us!

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