I was at Babies R Us the other day when I noticed this sale so I had to pass it along. I reviewed some Plum Organics foods back in 2009 and my kids loved them. So when I saw this sale I picked up a bunch of their puffs for my 1 year old.
Now through Janaury 23, 2011:
All Plum Organics Puffs, Fiddlesticks and Fruity Fingerfuls are 3 for $8.00.

All Plum Organics Food Pouches are 10 for $10.00.

I also had a $5.00 Rewards R Us coupon so I was able to get 3 containers of Puffs for $3.00.

Finally, an issue that I am passionate about. I have looked for information of this caliber for the last several hours. Your site is greatly appreciated.