If you haven't checked it out already, you NEED to head on over to The Mamasphere! What is it you ask? The Mamasphere is a kick as online community of woman and is my home on the Internet. Founded in 2005 as Babytalkbio by owner Stephanie, this past past Spring it got a complete face lift and a new name to become The Mamasphere (TMS). I have been a member since it started back on 2005 and I don't think I could have survived parenthood without the help, support and knowledge of these ladies. They are also who inspired me to be more green in the first place.
A little bit about TMS from the site:
The Mamasphere has been created to assist mothers in quickly accessing the information they need to navigate through their lives as women, wives, partners, co-workers, friends, sisters, daughters, and, most importantly, mamas!
We are the community village, sharing the ups and downs of each member’s life and being a stable force of information, support, and sisterhood through the mothering years and beyond.
In maintaining our focus on our community, we offer our members a variety of features and tools in one place, under one roof. We provide and maintain our community through the use of:
* Community Forums
* Personal Blogs
* Shared Recipes
* Photo Galleries
* Member Clubs
* Chat & Personal Messages

Another reason to check it out? All this month (June) is The Great Launch Blog Carnival. There are lots of contest from participating bloggers and you can enter for a chance to win a 1 year subscription to The Mamasphere! So head on over to the TMS blog to check out the contest and then register over at the forums (its free) and say hi. I hope to see you there!

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