So I had no idea that HP had ventured into the world of tablets, I guess I'm a little behind in my gadget news. My husband and I were just discussing tablets vs. PCs last night and thinking that with all the available tablets on the market, does anyone really buy desktops anymore? With something like the HP ElitePad that runs a light version of Windows, I don't see why anyone would want a big bulky desktop PC. At some point we are going to have to get some type of family computer for our kids to use for school work, and I defintely think a Windows based tablet will be the way we go.
Want a chance to win an HP ElitePad for yourself? Click on the image below to enter the giveaway. Good luck!
This giveaway is brought to you by, Bepoz, a provider of high quality POS systems for boutiques, hotels and take out restaurants in the U.S. Go to their website to enter for your chance to win the ElitePad!

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