Way back in April I reviewed The Safe Sippy stainless steel sippy cup and I loved it. Kid Basix, the company behind The Safe Sippy, has now come out with The Safe Sippy 2 and they were kind enough to send me a sample to review. Let me first refresh your memory about why they use stainless steel:
"The entire family of Kid Basix stainless steel drink ware was created in response to the growing body of emerging scientific evidence about the dangers of toxic chemicals used to make many plastics. It has been well documented that Bisphenol A (BPA) is the most worrisome of these chemicals, but other chemicals now being studied are now also cause for concern.Before I get into my review, I have to show you the cup I was given. I got a really good chuckle out of it. For those of you not familiar with my family, I have 3 little boys and am currently pregnant with baby #4 (sex tbd Aug 7).
We chose stainless steel because it is clean, stable and durable. Because stainless steel is stable and inert, it does not interact with the foods and fluids it comes into contact with. So what you put in is what you get out. Stainless steel is also one of the most easily recycled materials on earth, making The “Safe” brand of drink ware a smart and green choice in a world trying to reduce plastic waste."

Anyway, The Safe Sippy 2 has all the great features of the original Safe Sippy: stainless steel body, plastics are certified BPA, DEHA and phthalates free, protective sleeve and a straw-shaped spot. So what makes it different? Well they have added a few extras! The biggest, I think, is the straw adapter. So now your cup can be used as either a regular sippy or as a straw sippy - very cool! I've recently transitioned my 2 year old twins to straw cups so I was happy to see this option. They haven't quite mastered it yet, they still turn the cups up, but they are getting there.
In addition to the straw adapter, it also comes with a cap and a travel plug. The travel plug is really neat. Say you are heading out and want to toss the cup in your diaper bag - simply replace the valve or straw with the plug for leak free travel. Sure you have to bring your valve with you if your child wants a drink, but it is better then a wet, messy bag. And just to double-check myself that it works, I stood in my kitchen vigorously shaking the cup with plug in it upside down and not a drop came out. So once again, I am extremely happy with another Safe Sippy Cup!

***Giveaway Closed!
Kid Basix is generously giving one reader their own Safe Sippy 2!
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Visit TheSafeSippy.com and tell me something that you learned that was not mentioned in my post. You must complete this entry before you can submit additional ones.
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- Follow GreenMamasPad and Bret Plate (of Kid Basix) on Twitter and and tweet this giveaway. You can tweet once daily. Leave link to tweet in comment.
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This giveaway is open to US Residents 18+ only and will end on Friday, August 14th at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random using Random.org. Winner has 48 hours to claim his/her prize otherwise a new winner will be picked. You must leave your e-mail address in all of your comment(s) so I can contact you. I will not share your e-mail address with anyone, it will strictly be used to notify you if you win. Good luck!
This review is based solely on my opinion and experience with this product. You may have a different experience than myself.

We can give you 300 billion reasons. That’s the approximate number of plastic water bottles discarded around the world every year. Enough to power 12 million cars for an entire year. And that’s just the water bottles!
ReplyDeletethat's crazy!
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ReplyDeleteusing reusable stainless steel bottles makes sense on every level: personal, local and global.
I learned this: All told, the plastic bottles we throw away each year would reach to the moon and back – 1500 times. So using reusable stainless steel bottles makes sense on every level: personal, local and global.
I'm a subscriber via email
This bottles are too cool! the Something that I learned was that plastic bottles we throw away each year would reach to the moon and back 1500 times. So using reusable stainless steel bottles makes sense on every level: personal, local and global.
ReplyDeleteI am a subscriber!!
ReplyDeleteThey are an American company however their products are manufactured in China.
ReplyDeletedangotmail AT yahoo DOT com
The safe sippy 2 had added 3 new features: dust cap, travel plug, and the straw/adaptor!
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FB fan (momof3dolls)
ReplyDeleteI've been wanting something like this. My dh and I drink out of aluminum and my 7 month old will be ready for a sippy cup soon and I can't stomach buying a plastic one. I learned that the plastic bottles that get tossed each year would reach to the moon and back 1500 times!!!
ReplyDeleteComment from Kid Basix:
ReplyDeleteWe can give you 300 billion reasons. That’s the approximate number of plastic water bottles discarded around the world every year. Enough to power 12 million cars for an entire year. And that’s just the water bottles!
300 hundred billion water bottles discarded every year- amazins amount of waste mverno@roadrunner.com
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ReplyDeleteKaren Bridges
I feel so guilty using plastic bottles when I read about all the waste they create--but 300 billion bottles a year? Crazy. I would love to have this sippy for my daughter.
ReplyDeleteplastic bottles we throw away each year would reach to the moon and back 1500 times
ReplyDeleteusing reusable stainless steel bottles makes sense on every level: personal, local and global.
ReplyDeleteadd my technorati thanks
ReplyDeleteI learned that the plastic bottles we throw away each year would reach to the moon and back 1500 times. We would love to try this cup, it looks wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI learned that they also make sportster cups good for older children (and maybe even adults!)
ReplyDeletejewell330 at aim dot com
300 billion plastic bottles are discarded around the world every year. Oh my!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know they have a bottle version too! I'd love to give that a try with my youngest!
ReplyDeletemarci6tx at msn dot com
I learned that they are an American company but the products are made in China (but w/ responsible practices)
ReplyDeletejavasnickers at yahoo dot com
I learned that 300 billion bottles are thrown away every year and we could lower this number by using reusable bottles.
cunninghamfamily at gmail dot com
blogged about it
I learned that they also carry a safe bottle and a safe sports bottle for adults. How cool!
I subscribed to your blog.
I learned that traditional sippy cup spouts can lead to a lazy tongue (slurring of certain letters) if they are used too long (age-wise). This cup has a straw-shaped spout so it is immune from those allegations.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like a great cup, and I too laughed at the color sent you.
It comes with a dust cap! Most sippies don't, so that is an added bonus.
ReplyDeletehematopoiesis at hotmail dot com
I learned that if everyone in the U.S. bought a $90 countertop water filter and switched to stainless steel water bottles, we would greatly reduce plastic landfill, lower our carbon footprint by 108 billion pounds per year
Just the look alone is enough to sell me on this but I love how safe it is too. I learned that I learned that traditional sippy cup spouts can lead to a lazy tongue if they are used too long. But since this cup has a straw-shaped spout it doesn't fall into that category.
ReplyDeleteThe Safe sippy has a waist and handles which makes it much easier for small hands to hold onto.
ReplyDeletelkish77123 at gmail dot com
All told, the plastic bottles we throw away each year would reach to the moon and back – 1500 times. So using reusable stainless steel bottles makes sense on every level: personal, local and global.
ReplyDeleteCrazy, 300 billion water bottles are discarded every year and that's just the water bottles. Doesn't include all of the other beverage containers that people throw away. I love stainless steel in general. This is awesome :)
ReplyDeleteI love the Sportster cup. Thanks for the chance.
the plastic bottles we throw away each year would reach to the moon and back – 1500 times. wow.
ReplyDeleteblissedout at gmail dot com
The handles are removable.
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ReplyDeleteFollowing GreenMamasPad and bretplate. Tweet! http://twitter.com/mommyisgreen/status/3168329257
ReplyDeleteTheir goal is making kids live better, it's mine too. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I learned They are an American company, but their products are manufactured in China.
ReplyDeletefeliciamking (at) rocketmail {dot} com
I follow you through google friend connect.
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I have you faved on technorati as fefemarie09.
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I'm a fan on facebook as felicia marie.
ReplyDeletefeliciamking (at) rocketmail {dot} com
I have a grandson. This would be very helpful. Thanks for the oppurtunity.
It's available in 3 colors, blue, pink and orange
ReplyDeleteapprox 300 plastic water bottles discarded. Nice bottle!
ReplyDeleteI learned that the closest place to buy it is two hours away in Talahassee, FL! Guess I'll be buying them online :)
ReplyDeleteRe: the pink. I have two boys so that's too funny. Although I find out on Friday if Baby #3 is a girl!
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ReplyDeleteTweet: http://twitter.com/MarinOBrien/status/3232443091
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Stumbled your giveaway (marinamy)
300 billion water bottles are discarded each year.
ReplyDeleteI visited TheSafeSippy.com and like this upgraded one. I have standard safe sippy cup and want to win this. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI am following you as zhy0601@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteTweet! http://twitter.com/mommyisgreen/status/3250961254
ReplyDeleteAdded your button to my sidebar! http://mommyisgreen.blogspot.com/
I loved this idea and would love to be able to replace all my old plastic ones. Although I use take and toss, we don't toss. I loved the idea of this.
I learned that traditional sippy cup spouts can lead to a lazy tongue if they are used too long. That is scary. I guess these don't lead to that problem since they have a straw at the top.
ReplyDeleteThe Safe Sippy 2 has some new features. The Dust Cap is one of them: it helps keep the spout clean when not in use!
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FB fan: ktanjatk tk
The plastic bottles we throw away each year would reach to the moon and back – 1500 times
I learned that Our founder created The Safe Sippy™ cup because he knows how dangerous plastics are, and it drove him crazy that he was giving his two year old son water every morning in a cup made from toxic chemicals.
I found out that if everyone in the United States bought a $90 countertop water filter and switched to stainless steel water bottles, we would greatly reduce plastic landfill, lower our carbon footprint by 108 billion pounds per year!!
I need to replace all our old plastic ones. They are looking tired and are not safe according to this new data. I love the design of these and the cool "easy to use" handles.
ReplyDeleteOkay besides there is a ton of info.. I find this fact crazy... "All told, the plastic bottles we throw away each year would reach to the moon and back – 1500 times." that is a lot of plastic bottles..
Last tweet... http://twitter.com/MarinOBrien/status/3309899816
ReplyDeleteThey have the independent testing lab, STR, test all elements of their products from the steel and plastic compounds, to FDA and European child safety standards, to the durability of the stainless steel body.
ReplyDeleteI'm a subscriber
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ReplyDeleteThe safe sippy 2 had added 3 new features: dust cap, travel plug, and the straw/adaptor!
ReplyDeletebrdgcombs at aol dot com
I follow on blogger
ReplyDeletebrdgcombs at aol dot com
By visiting the website I learned that "All told, the plastic bottles we throw away each year would reach to the moon and back – 1500 times. So using reusable stainless steel bottles makes sense on every level: personal, local and global."
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!
I think u have covered everything and taught me a little more would love to have this cup
ReplyDeleteI have subscribed
ReplyDeleteAll their products are single-walled stainless steel to keep them light and maximize volume. trixpixel(at)gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI'm a subscriber. trixpixel(at)gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower. trixpixel(at)gmail.com
ReplyDeleteFor their plants in China they have very strict standards and an independent agency inspects the plants. Thank you
I learned not to put hot beverages in, although I wouldn't have done that anyway