Friday, January 16, 2009

Thank you Agway!

Here in New England we get lots of snow and ice. Since we have a steep driveway, it poses a problem and we go through a good amount of ice melt every winter. Last winter I asked my husband if he could buy safer ice melt. I saw that lots of pet stores sold ones that were safer for everyone. But he was not on board, mainly because they cost more. We had a lovely ice storm last week and ran out of whatever it is he uses. Yesterday he headed to our local Agway to see if they had more. When he got there, the staff person helping him told him how bad for the environment, animals & people the one he wanted was and actually talked him into buying a safer one (Magnesium Chloride, see photo). This is such a huge deal for me because my husband is so reluctant to do anything more natural. So I now love Agway!

Anyway, he spread an entire bag on the driveway last night since most of it was covered with about an inch of ice. When I looked this morning it seems to be doing a pretty good job. A large section in the middle and toward the top (where my car got stuck 5 times yesterday) is completely clear. I only wish I had taken some before pictures.

For those of you in the colder climate like me, I would definitely recommend you try a Magnesium Chloride ice melt and let me know how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. Ice is such a pain!! We finally bought some de-icer and now we don't have any ice. LOL Irony, right?


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