Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Beautiful Peacocks

At Connecticut's Beardsley Zoo, they have a good amount of Indian Blue Peafowl roaming the grounds, The males, called peacocks, are the ones with the bright, iridescent colors. On our visit there back in April, I was able to snap quite a few photos. Since they  let them roam freely around the zoo, you will encounter them anywhere and everywhere.

This next one was hanging out with me in the garden area while I waited for my boys. I followed this poor guy around for a good 30 minutes taking an obscene amount of photos.

Seriously, I am lucky he didn't attack me with how in his face I was. He looks pretty annoyed with me.


  1. Beautiful! I love seeing peacocks up close - have you seen white ones in person? A zoo in Phoenix has them and they are quite amazing.

    1. I've never even heard of white peacocks before! I must go Google that right now.

  2. That is awesome! I would have been a little afraid, especially when its tail was spread out! You are brave!

  3. they are gorgeous! The ones at the Denver zoo free roam, also!

  4. Peacocks are beautiful!! I am sure I would have followed him around, too!!

  5. Hmmm I wonder how far that Zoo is from me! Looks like fun!

  6. They are such beautiful birds! If only they were mute, they're call is really loud! Lovely shots!

  7. Oh my gosh those shots are gorgeous! :D

  8. I love them! So full of color.

  9. They let the peacocks at the zoo here roam free, too. Which is all well and good until they really do start chasing you. Not that I know from experience or anything.

  10. My in-laws actually have a neighbor with a peacock. Crazy, right?

  11. Those are such great pictures, what a pretty creature.

  12. Beautiful! That was one of my kids favorite things to look at when we used to go to the zoo. Now I will be able to take my grand daughter.

  13. They are beautiful aren't they? I love their feathers!

  14. They are so pretty! My oldest son loved peacocks when he was little. I bought a 2 handed peacock puppet from Folkmanis. It's pretty cool!

  15. What beautiful photos, I love peacocks

  16. I'd be annoyed with you too, but it was worth it!

  17. You got some beautiful shots!! My neighbor has pet peacocks and boy are they loud and annoying though LOL!!

  18. I thought they were all called peacocks, just male and female ones. Wow, you got some great shots. Did you chase or try to irritate one just so he'd open his feathers? *raises hand* I know I'm guilty of it :P

  19. I have one - it was white from our Brookfield Zoo. They're beautiful birds. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Beautiful pictures! Our next door neighbor has peacocks, and they are amazingly loud and annoying. It seriously sounds like someone is dying when they screech. In the 4 years we have been here I have only seen them with their tails up once too.

  21. I love peacocks! We have a local park that has them in the wild and it's just amazing to see how close they allow people to get.

  22. Male peacocks are so beautiful! I used to own a mated pair. They look so delicate.

  23. They are gorgeous! I just saw peacocks on my way home today! Beautiful!

  24. Chasing him around was worth it- fantastic shots!


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