Thursday, November 17, 2011

Way Basics Storage Cubes Review

Having three children share a room can be quite a challenge. While our oldest has his own bedroom, the twins and the little guy are all in a room together. We are fortunate that their room is on the bigger side and fits a crib, two beds and two small dressers comfortably. But their is only one closet and so storage for clothes, toys and books is difficult. Our book storage was definitely lacking, with only one small bin for three kids worth of books. Not only was it not big enough, but it wasn't very functional either.

Before: inadequate storage left books sprawled out onto the floor and under the beds.

As you can see above, this wasn't working. So I turned to Way Basics to help us get our books cleaned up. I was initially drawn to them because their storage solutions are eco friendly. All of their pieces are made using zBoard which is made from 99% post-consumer recycled paper and is free of formaldehyde and VOCs. Way Basics offers several different solutions like their storage cubes or even a modern bookcase. For our particular project, we decided to go with the cubes and even made it a little fun by choosing one white, one green and one orange.

This was my color choice inspiration.

I opened up my boxes to start assembling my three cubes and I was surprised by how thick the walls are. When something like this is made out of recycled paper you sometimes just assume things won't be strong enough. To be honest, I thought these were going to be like cardboard. Boy was I wrong. The storage cubes were more than sturdy, tested by a climbing almost 2 year old, and actually have kind of a laminate feel to them.

One great aspect of the Way Basics Storage Cubes is that they are no tools assembly which makes them so super easy to put together. You are given step by step directions that are easy to follow. It took me less than 30 minutes to assemble all three of my cubes.

1. Layout all your pieces.
2. Place tabs in holes.
3. Remove tape backing from walls.
4. Press the first wall into place
5. Place the second wall into place.
6. Add top piece.
7. Put on backing.

That's it, you are done! Now you can take your cubes and arrange them in any way you like.

Our finished cubes.

Since we have three boys in this room, the three cubes worked out perfectly as now they each have a cube. I assigned the bottom cube to the toddler so he can get to it easily and then the twins picked out which one of the two they wanted for themselves. Then they helped me sort out the books and they each put their own books away in their designated cubes.

After adding their books.

Overall I am thrilled with the Way Basics Storage Cubes. I love the way they look in the boys room and since now we have a functional, dedicated space for books it helps to keep the room tidy.

Now through Black Friday, November 25th, take 25% off all zBoard Storage Products with code WBTHANKS25.

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Please note that the opinions and views expressed in this review are my own and based on my personal experience with the product and/or company. You may encounter a different experience with this than I did. Way Basics provided me with free products to review.


  1. OMG, this looks awesome!! I may have to imitate you. I seem to do that a lot, I like to think of it as you paving the way since you have a similar family dynamic. : )

    *runs to check out Way Basics*

  2. I love how they can serve so many purposes - they look great as bookshelves!

  3. Those are so cute and perfect for book storage. It definitely makes sense that you need to make the most of your room when you have 3 kids sharing a room. Loved this review. I want some for my boys' room!

  4. I have a black shelf unit from there, and I really love it. I was so surprised at how much I liked it!

  5. I love that, unlike many other cube-based furniture, these are actually big enough to put stuff in!

  6. Those look great, and so easy to put together! I need to invest in some.

  7. Those look SO cool. I need those for my boy's room! Maybe that would help to cut down on the mess.... :)


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