Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Flings Bins Holiday Patterns Review & Giveaway

Tis' the season for holiday parties!! Yes the holidays are in full swing which means at some point or another you may be hosting a holiday party or gathering. While I am not having a holiday party, per say, I am hosting my son's 1st birthday party next weekend. As I prepare the menu, decorations and favors I am glad one thing I will not have to worry about is how to collect recycling. Regardless if we have a party at our house or if we rent a hall, finding a way to collect can's and plastic bottles to be recycled used to be such a challenge. The majority of the time I would end up using an old cardboard box and just write "please recycle' on it. You can imagine that it would mostly go unnoticed and you'd see me at the end of a party fishing soda cans out of the trash.

Then I was sent a Flings Bin and my problem was solved. Now I have a compact and portable way to gather up those cans and bottles. And they are even cute! The Flings Bins come folded up pretty much flat which makes it super easy to store until party time and then transport to your party destination. When you are ready to use it, simply pop it open in seconds and set it down. It is super easy. If you are using it to collect trash then just tie it up when you are finished and place it in your trash can. If you are using it for recyclables, you'll be happy to know that Flings Bins are recyclable so you can tie it up and place the entire thing in your curbside recycle bin. Or if you are like me and prefer to reuse things, you can wipe it down, fold it back up and save it for your next party!

I first reviewed the recycle symbol pattern back in June and I still have that bin that I can continue to reuse. I am so very pleased to now have a Holiday Dots pattern as well which is going to look adorable at my son's party. I don't use mine for trash, just recyclables, that way I can contiue to use them over and over again.

In addition to all of their every day patterns, Flings Bins has added 2 holiday patterns: Holiday Dots (shown here) and Holiday Beads.  SHARE THE JOY - SEND 2 HOLIDAY BINS TO A FRIEND FOR FREE WITH ANY ORDER! You can't pass up this opportunity! Place an order directly with Flings Bins and you will then be prompted to select 2 holiday bins to send to a friend.

The Flings Bins are very reasonable priced at around $4.00 each and they come in a variety of designs: holiday, recycle symbol, birthday, picnic and more. They may be purchased directly at the Flings Online Store in packs of 4 or 10. All orders over $40 receive free standard shipping in the US. Flings Bins may also be purchased at Amazon.com in sets or singles.

Two (2) winner will receive two (2) Flings Pop-Up Bins in the Holiday Dots pattern. (Sorry you cannot pick a different pattern).

Mandatory Entry
Go to the Flings Bins site and tell me which pattern is your favorite.

Extra Entries
- "Like" Flings Pop-Up Bins on Facebook. Be sure to leave a comment on their wall so I know you did it. This will get you 2 extra entries, so leave me 2 comments.
- Follow me on Google Friend connect
- Subscribe to my RSS feed in a reader or subscribe via e-mail. Your email must validate or it will not count.
- Add my Green Mama's Pad button to your sidebar or add Green Mama's Pad to your blogroll. Leave your blog link.
- Add my Green Baby Shower Guide button to you blog. Leave your link.
- Follow @GreenMamasPad and on Twitter and and tweet this giveaway. You can tweet once daily. Leave link to tweet in comment. You must have at least 50 followers. You can copy and paste this:
Flings Pop-Up Holiday Bins Giveaway: win 2 for your holiday party! Party recycling made easy! @greenmamaspad #giveaway http://bit.ly/gvjZ8e
- Blog about this giveaway. Your post must include a link to this post plus a link to the sponsor. Please leave link.
- Stumble this post and comment with your ID.
- Stumble one of my non-giveaway posts and tell me which one.
- Become a fan of Green Mama's Pad on Facebook.

This giveaway is open to US Residents 18+ only and will end on Monday, December 20 at 11:59pm EST. Two  winners will be chosen at random using Random.org and will be posted on the Winner's Announcement Page. Winner has 48 hours to claim his/her prize otherwise a new winner will be picked. Unfortunately I cannot guarantee delivery in time for Christmas. You must leave your e-mail address in all of your comment(s) so I can contact you. I will not share your e-mail address with anyone, it will strictly be used to notify you if you win. Good luck!

Please note that the opinions and views expressed here are my own and based on my personal experience with the product. You may encounter a different experience with this than I did. Flings provided me with a product for review and is providing the prize for this giveaway. Please note that there are some Amazon Affiliate link in this review.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bagnesia is Saying Goodbye

In February of 2009 I introduced you all to Bagnesia. I am sad to relay that Bagnesia is closing its shop. It is unfortunate to see them go as I love their kit idea and they do have functional, cute bags.

Since they are closing, they have slashed their prices considerably and are offering free shipping through Decemeber 15.  These would make great gifts for teachers, friends, etc. and also good stocking stuffers. The "Reminder Kit" is only $8.00 (regularly $14.99) and individual bags are only $4.50.

Shop now!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

BPA in Receipts?

Over the past few years there has been a lot of talk about the toxicity of the chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) and avoiding plastics that may contain it. This issue particularly hit home with moms as some manufacturers were using BPA in baby bottles, sippy cups, etc. Canada even banned the use of BPA in baby products (good for you Canada!). Many of us moms and dads know to buy plastics that are BPA-free. Unfortunately, BPA is still used to line aluminum cans, so I avoid canned goods as much as possible as well. But you will never guess where BPA has turned up now.

Receipts. Yes every time you go to the grocery store, gas station, ATM or any store for that matter you are more than likely leaving with a BPA soaked receipt in your hand. Here is the CBS News story: BPA Receipts Bombshell: Paper Slips Contain High Levels of Bisphenol A

Extraordinarily high levels of BPA were found on two-fifths of the paper receipts tested recently by the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C.

In some cases, the amount of BPA on a given receipt was 1,000 times the levels found in a can of food.

Receipts were collected from ATM's, grocery stores, fast food restaurants, gas stations and the like. "Wipe tests" showed that the coating of BPA of paper receipts would likely stick to the skin of anyone who handled them.

The chemical can be absorbed into the skin and transferred to the digestive tract by touching the mouth.

Animal tests have linked BPA exposure to a range of health problems, including cancer, obesity, diabetes, and early puberty. The studies are controversial though, and how they related to human health is not fully clear, according to WebMD.

The organization offered tips for consumers eager to limit their exposure to BPA on receipts, including washing your hands after handling receipts and never giving a child a receipt to play with.  But maybe the best tip is simply to decline the offer for a printed receipt after an ATM transaction. After all, in this economy, who needs to be reminded of their balance?

If this doesn't scare the crap out of you, I don't know what will. I was under the impression that the level of BPA in say a can of tomatoes was pretty darn high and this study shows that the levels in receipts are 1,000 times that found in cans?!? Um, WHAT?! And what this article does not touch on is that most recycled paper products you buy are contaminated with BPA from these receipts being recycled in the batches. So really, w can't win. You go to the store and leave with your receipt, which you need in case you might need to return it. But its covered with cancer causing BPA. Should we wear gloves at all times now? And you try to do good things for the earth like buying recycled paper products but OOPS, those are now contaminated with BPA .

All I can say is this: WTF? What are we supposed to do? How can we keep our families safe?

Read EWG's Full Report.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Am In Love With Our CSA

A few years ago, my sister-in-law found out from a friend that there is an organic CSA farm in our town. We both got so excited! It is expensive, so we agreed we would split the share and she put us down on the waiting list. It took 2 years but she finally got the email over this past winter saying we made it to the top of the list and we could get a share this year. YAY!

With our CSA, you pick up once a week so we have been alternating weeks. I went week 1, she went week 2, etc.  The first week that the farm was open they had Strawberry picking and my 5 year old had a blast. I swear they were the best tasting strawberries I have ever eaten.  That first week was mostly salad greens and other greens like spinach. As a bonus I also got a Dalia bulb to plant!

As the season has been moving on each week there is more and more food to choose from. A few weeks ago we got to pick our own Sugar Snap Peas and Basil. This past week was my 3rd pick up and I was in complete shock with how much they had out and how much we were allowed to take. I know we paid in advance but I swear I feel like I am robbing them. Just take a look at what I cam home with on Saturday.

I still can't believe how much food I got. My favorite part is going out into the fields and cutting my own herbs or picking my own veggies/fruit. I told my sister-in-law that just the experience alone is worth the money. I feel more connected to the land and the food, as silly as that may sound. And while I absolutely hate bugs like spiders, I find comfort in seeing them crawling over the plants as I am picking because it is a reminder that there are no pesticides being used.

Who else out there in the blogosphere is part of a CSA? I'd love to hear about your experience and why you enjoy it? Have a blog post about it? Share it!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: 6 months old

My baby boy at about 6 months old. He'll be 7 months next week!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Green Giveaway Friday 7/9

Here are some featured Green Giveaways that I have found around the blogosphere. Please add both your green and non-green giveaways and contests into Mr. Linky below so we can do some blog hoppin!

You can also submit your green giveaways to me during the week for me to feature on Fridays. Be sure to include giveaway title, expiration date and link.

Going Green with Noah
Handmade Eco-Friendly Baby Rattle 7/9

Just Another New Blog

Men's Lotion and Soap from Theraneem Organix 7/10

Life of a Modern Mom
Thirsties Duo Cloth Diaper 7/10

The Mom Buzz

Bebe-O Prenatal Vitamins 7/18

Moms Wear Your Tees
EvoraPlus Probiotic Mints 7/12

Toxic Beauty Blog
Blended Naturals Organic Shea Butter Balm 7/14

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Toxic Chemical Lobby

"Tell Congress it's time to get tough on toxic chemicals."

We need Congress to act now, to make sure the products we reach for, sleep on, and eat from every day aren’t loaded with toxic chemicals. You can help Congress stay strong in the face of chemical industry pushback but only if you speak out.

Learn more.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Do You Bring Your Own Food To The Movies?

This past Monday we loaded up the car and took the whole family to see Toy Story 3 (NOT in 3D, I hate 3D). Yes that means myself, my husband, one 5 year old, two 3 year olds and a 6 month old. For the twins it was their first time at a movie theater and it was only the third time for the oldest. Over the past few years I have gotten into the habit of bring my own snacks and beverages to the movies. For starters its pretty much all junk and nothing appropriate for toddlers.  But mainly because it is do darn expensive. I would be OK with my kids getting a treat if it did not cost a fortune. (Plus, I do love me some Raisinets).

Normally we go to the small independent theater in town which seems OK with me bringing my own stuff in. I've walked in with reusable water bottles and candy I bought ahead of time with no problems. However this time we went to a chain theater the next town over because we specifically wanted the non-3D movie. As we were standing at the box office dropping $40 on movie tickets, I glanced to the side and saw a big sign that said your own food and beverages were not allowed beyond that point or into the theaters.

I chuckled to myself "Just you try and stop me!" To my advantage I was carrying an infant and being trailed by 3 little boys.  So with that comes a big ole diaper bag. A diaper bag that I had packed with 3 Thermos cups of water and some Revolutions Foods Grammy Sammys and Jammy Sammys. We got settled into our seats and then the boys all enjoyed a yummy snack while watching the previews (which were like 20 minutes - ugh!). And of course they loved the movie, we are big Buzz and Woody fans in this house. Mommy liked it too.

So do you bring your own food and drink into a movie or am I the only crazy one? What are some things you have brought and did you ever have any trouble with staff?

Green Giveaway Friday 7/2

Here are some featured Green Giveaways that I have found around the blogosphere. Please add both your green and non-green giveaways and contests into Mr. Linky below so we can do some blog hoppin!

You can also submit your green giveaways to me during the week for me to feature on Fridays. Be sure to include giveaway title, expiration date and link.

Going Green with Noah
Juppy Baby Walker Giveaway  7/4
Handmade Reversible Bib Giveaway 7/7
Handmade Eco-Friendly Baby Rattle 7/9

Just Another New Blog
Green Apple Peel from Juice Beauty 7/4
Men's Lotion and Soap from Theraneem Organix 7/10

Life of a Modern Mom
Thirsties Duo Cloth Diaper 7/10

The Mom Buzz
Lunchskins Reusable Baggies 7/2
Bebe-O Prenatal Vitamins 7/18

Moms Wear Your Tees
EvoraPlus Probiotic Mints 7/12

Toxic Beauty Blog
Blended Naturals Organic Shea Butter Balm 7/14

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Flings Pop-Up Recycle Bins Review & Giveaway

It is summer time which means it is time for parties, barbecues and picnics! There is nothing that irks me more than going to a party and the host does not have some sort of recycling bin. So all those cans and bottles end up in the trash. I usually end up bringing whatever I used home with me to recycle myself, because I cannot stand to trash something that can be recycled. We host 3 birthday parties ourselves every year (some at home, some at a hall) and I always find something to collect recyclables. Usually I take an empty cardboard box and put a "Please Recycle" sign on it. Not only is this a pain for parties not at home, but inevitably someone does not notice it and I am left rummaging through trash to fish out cans.

This is where Flings comes to the rescue. Flings Pop-Up Trash & Recycle Bins offer the perfect trash and recycling solution to any party. I was sent one of their recycling bins to test out. It unfortunately did not arrive in time for my Twins' birthday party a few weeks ago, but I can't wait to use it for my baby's first birthday come December. The Flings Bins comes folded up pretty much flat which makes it super easy to store until party time and then transport to your party destination. When you are ready to use it, simply pop it open in seconds and set it down. What is really great about the Flings Recycle Bin is that it is completely covered in the recycling symbol so there is no missing it. No more wondering about trying to figure out where to put the empty soda can and no more stacks of recyclables on your counter.

Each bin can hold roughly 60 cans or bottles. The Flings are priced affordably so they can be disposable, but you know me, I prefer reusable! Well your Fling can be reused too - it all depends on what you prefer and how messy it got. The bin itself is recyclable so you could just tie it up and toss the whole thing into your curbside recycling bin. However, if you are like me and want to reuse it, dump the cans/bottles/whatever into your curbside bin, hose down or rinse out your Flings bin, let dry and then tuck it away for the next party! If you are using your Flings bin for trash, well than you may not want to reuse it, but at the very least dumpy the trash into your garbage can and then recycle the Flings bin.

Now we are just a few days away from the Fourth of July and I know many of you will either be hosting or going to a fun holiday party this weekend. Flings Bins and Jeanne Benedict have put together some really fun patriotic party ideas that you really need to check out. So take a few minutes to watch this quick video and see how you can easily dress up your party using scrap booking supplies!

The Flings Bins are very reasonable priced at around $4.00 each and they come in a variety of designs: recycle, birthday, picnic and more. They may be purchased directly at the Flings Online Store in packs of 4 or 10. All orders receive free standard shipping in the US. Flings Bins may also be purchased at Amazon.com.

One (1) winner will receive two (2) Flings Pop-Up Bins

Mandatory Entry
"Like" Flings Pop-Up Bins on Facebook.

Extra Entries
- Watch the video above and then leave me a comment with your favorite summer/4th of July party tip - either your own or one mentioned in the video.
- Follow me on Google Friend connect
- Subscribe to my RSS feed in a reader or subscribe via e-mail. Your email must validate or it will not count.
- Add my Green Mama's Pad button to your sidebar or add Green Mama's Pad to your blogroll. Leave your blog link.
- Add my Green Baby Shower Guide button to you blog. Leave your link.
- Follow @GreenMamasPad and on Twitter and and tweet this giveaway. You can tweet once daily. Leave link to tweet in comment. You must have at least 50 followers. You can copy and paste this:
Flings Pop-Up Recycling Bins Giveaway: win 2 for your next party! Party recycling made easy! @greenmamaspad #giveaway http://bit.ly/aVIish
- Blog about this giveaway. Your post must include a link to this post plus a link to the sponsor. Please leave link.
- Stumble this post and comment with your ID.
- Stumble one of my non-giveaway posts and tell me which one.
- Become a fan of Green Mama's Pad on Facebook.

This giveaway is open to US Residents 18+ only and will end on Wednesday, July 14 at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random using Random.org and will be posted on the Winner's Announcement Page. Winner has 48 hours to claim his/her prize otherwise a new winner will be picked. You must leave your e-mail address in all of your comment(s) so I can contact you. I will not share your e-mail address with anyone, it will strictly be used to notify you if you win. Good luck!

Please note that the opinions and views expressed here are my own and based on my personal experience with the product. You may encounter a different experience with this than I did. Flings provided me with a product for review and is providing the prize for this giveaway. Please note that there are some Amazon Affiliate link in this review.

Wordless Wednesday: Brothers

Moments like this make up for all the times they drive me bonkers.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Your Reusable Bag May Be Filled With Bacteria

What do you have in your reusable shopping bag today? Some bread, milk, fruits and veggies? Oh and maybe some lovely E. coli too! Wait, what?!? Yes, your cute bag may also be filled with some unwanted bacteria.

A new study done by the University of Arizona and Loma Linda University (California) found that 97% of people do not wash their reusable bags. Unfortunately I am one of them and really I should know better. It is kind of a no brainer I suppose, but yet I never even thought about it.

This study looked at 84 bags and more than half of them contained coliform and heterotrophic bacteria and E. coli was present in 12% of the bags. Don't worry too much though, the strains that they found aren't likely to make anyone sick.

So obviously we all need to make a point to wash our bags. Make sure you check the manufacturer's washing instructions before you wash so that you don't ruin any bags. I think at a minimum you should wash your bags once a month. My goal is going to be every other week.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Growing Tree Toys Review

Something I have come to appreciate more as my journey as a mom has moved forward is the importance of quality educational toys. I think this is probably something that I became more aware of once my twins started speech therapy and occupational therapy (motor skills). Now my kids have more than their fair share of regular toys like action figures, cars, etc. But I have realized that is also important to balance it out with fun educational toys as well. 

Growing Tree Toys is an online toy store with a huge selection of quality, educational toys for every age group imaginable. One of the things I like about this site is how easy that make it to shop. On the left hand side they have several navigation bars so you can find toys by age, department or brand. The age range one is my favorite; when I was looking fro something for my 3 year old twins it took just 1 click to bring up toys in that group. Then once that list is brought up you can narrow your search even more.  Growing Tree Toys even has a section for eco-friendly toys!

"GrowingTreeToys.com is more than just a toy website – it’s the perfect virtual representation of our store, offering customers the amazing service, wonderful toys and robust features they deserve while shopping online. Featuring a carefully chosen, well-rounded toy selection, unique product details and descriptions, great information on play, helpful suggestions for gift givers, the best gift finder available, and so much more, GrowingTreeToys.com is truly a specialty toy website with the health and happiness of children at heart."

Earlier this year I joined he Growing Tree Toys Blog Sponsorhip Program and I was able to pick a toy to test out. As I mentioned my twins receive therapy for both their speech and motor skills so I wanted to get something for them that could help in one of these areas. Growing Tree Toys makes it super easy to find a toy based on needs like this. When you pull up the details of a toy on their site, it will tell you the kind of developmental benefits that specific toy has. You will see something like this key on the product page and you can click for details on what each means.

Growing Tree Toys gave me a nice selection of toys to choose from and I went with the Dress Up Pirate Toy by Manhattan Toys. For starters I thought it was adorable and what little boy doesn't love a pirate right? More importantly, using the key I showed above I knew that this toy would help with things like hand eye coordination, colors and even self help skills at it can help show your child how to use a button, zipper, etc.

"Dressing like pirate will become easy with the Dress Up Pirate Toy, and growing toddlers will be able to learn important skills while playing with their new pirate friend. A soft plush doll, the Dress Up Pirate Toy features multi-colored and multi-textured fabrics to explore, as well as buttons, snaps, ties, zippers, and hook-and-loop closures to help teach important dressing skills."
This toy is listed for ages 18 months to 3 years but I feel it can used up to 5 years. When we received this my 5 year old son played it with it too and I know it helped him learn how to fasten and open tricky buttons. I plan on using it to help with shoe tying when we reach that point. But I mainly wanted it for my twins. The biggest problem I had? There was only one! As any mom of multiples will know when you get only one of a new cool toy, multiple fights ensue! However when the fights subsided and they played with it they really liked it. And I loved how quickly they learned how to open and close the zipper. Proof that it really does help with these skills.

Now that summer is here, Growing Tree Toys has a ton of outdoor toys to browse through. And they always have free standard ground shipping when you spend $75 or more. Before you know it the school year will be starting up again and that means your kids will be going to lots of birthday parties. So be sure to check out Growing Tree Toys to find the perfect gift for your child's BFF!

Please note that the opinions and views expressed here are my own and based on my personal experience with the site and product. You may encounter a different experience with this than I did. As part of their Blog Sponsorship Program, Growing Tree Toys sent me this toy to review. This is no way impacted how I reviewed the product.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill: Dolphins Beached Searching for Safe Water

When I saw this news story pop up on my Yahoo! homepage last night my heart ached. Over the past 2 months, 47 dolphins have beached themselves on Gulf shores. Why? Because they are searching for clean, safe water. It is truly heartbreaking what has happened in the Gulf and I can't stand to watch all these animals dying. The images of oil slicked marine life and oil filled beaches makes me cry.
(You should be able to see the video below. if not, here is the link to the video on ABC News.)

Friday, June 25, 2010

"Its OK, its Organic!"

As you probably know by now, I believe that the more organic foods you can buy the better. Is everything I buy organic? Absolutely not, not even close. We simply cannot afford that. So I prioritize and make sure that every day staples like milk, yogurt, peanut butter, bread and many produce items are organic. I do think there is a little misconception going on out there about some of the more processed organic foods. Organic does NOT equal healthy, yet I'm starting to see a trend of people thinking this way. Has anyone else noticed this?

Recently I was visiting somewhere and I was offered a glass of organic lemonade. Immediately my 5 year old shouted out that he wanted to try some. Now we do not give our kids sugary drinks. They drink milk, water or watered down 100% fruit juice. My husband and I don't drink soda or other sugary drinks either so there is never any in the house. So when we were offered the organic lemonade the first thing I did was grab the bottle to check the ingredients. My husband laughed and rolled his eyes and then our host said this:

"Oh its OK, its organic!"

That is all well and good, but I still read labels before letting my kids eat or drink something. So OK, the first ingredient was water - great! The second ingredient? Organic sugar. <insert buzzer sound> Now this is my point, yes its organic so that means no high fructose corn syrup or other yucky artificial stuff, but the 2nd main ingredient is sugar. Big whoop its organic, it is still a lot of sugar, which my kids certainly don't need. Because my boys aren't rambunctious enough on their own, let me load them up on some sugar too! No thank you.

I did end up giving my 5 year old about a quarter of a cup and I told him that after that he could drink water. And yes, I drank a glass myself. I wont lie, it was very tasty. But organic or not it is still empty calories so its not something I indulge in very often. My rear end is large enough. :) A little treat from time to time is nice though.

So I strongly encourage you to always read ingredient labels. Whether its non-organic or organic, start getting into the habit. And don't assume that just because something is organic that it is healthy.

Green Giveaway Friday 6/25

Here are some featured Green Giveaways that I have found around the blogosphere. Please add both your green and non-green giveaways and contests into Mr. Linky below so we can do some blog hoppin!

You can also submit your green giveaways to me during the week for me to feature on Fridays. Be sure to include giveaway title, expiration date and link.

Going Green with Noah
Francesca Baby Bib Giveaway  6/28
The Mommy Shop Cloth Wipes Giveaway 6/29
Juppy Baby Walker Giveaway  7/4
Handmade Reversible Bib Giveaway 7/7
Handmade Eco-Friendly Baby Rattle 7/9

Just Another New Blog
Organic Insect Repellent 6/27
Green Apple Peel from Juice Beauty 7/4
Men's Lotion and Soap from Theraneem Organix 7/10

The Mom Buzz
Bebe-O Prenatal Vitamins 7/18

Moms Wear Your Tees
Atlantis Natural Lunchbox 6/29
Organic Raw Honey 7/1

Toxic Beauty Blog
Blended Naturals Organic Shea Butter Balm 7/14

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thrifty Thursday

We all know that buying eco-friendly products can be expensive at times. So here are some discount codes or sales for green products I have come across.   Happy shopping!

Piggy Paint Natural Nail Polish
15% off entire order
coupon code: junebug15l
expires: 6/30/10
plus free shipping on orders $35+ (US only)

Free shipping on your entire order when you buy a moisturizing hand wash.
coupon code: HIGHFIVE
expires: 6/30/10

plus all gel and hand wash refill kits are 20% OFF retail price

Hometown Seeds
20% off all products
coupon code: thanks
expires: 7/31/10


Visit their sale page for great savings on various items! Lots of bags on sale plus Earthlust stainless steel water bottles and tons more!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Strawberry Picking

My oldest strawberry picking at our local organic CSA. He had a blast and these were the most delicious strawberries ever.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Kushies Father's Day Sale

Shop Kushies and receive 15% off all orders placed Friday, June 18 through Sunday, June 20.