Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Dress Up Time

What do boys dress up in? Well in my house, they dress up as Star Wars characters. I bought this Darth Vader costume for W almost 4 years ago when he was about 8 months old. It was on clearance at Walmart for $5 and included everything - mask, lightsaber, cape and jumpsuit with fiber optic lights. (There are red and green lights on the chest that blink when turned on). So I have been waiting 4 years for it to fit him. I'm pretty sure this will also be his Halloween costume this year. Oh and you should have heard him imitating the famous Darth Vader breathing - hilarious!


  1. Looks like fun & a great deal!

    Some reason my son calls him Dark Mater. Makes me giggle every time I think about it!

  2. I totally giggled out loud when I saw this photos. My husband would love them even more than me! : )

  3. I can only imagine when my little guy is into Star Wars! Looks like that $5 was well spent.

  4. That's fantastic! My oldest would LOVE it. I think the best part is that you bought it so long ago! lol

  5. How fun! My nephew would love it since he is such a fan. My son Lucian was just a ghost earlier today with a blanket over his head. I love dress up!

    Happy WW and thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. What a cool costume - and an awesome deal!

  7. awesome deal and very cool costume!

  8. Silly boys! If they made those for grown men, I think a lot of our husband's would dress up as Darht Vader too. haha

  9. My nephew used to tell people he was going to be a Jedi when he grew up. Seriously.

  10. We need to get our boys together. My son has a Luke Skywalker costume! LOL

  11. How funny! My boys love to dress up in their old Halloween costumes.

  12. We used to pull out all the old Halloween costumes starting Oct 1st and then we'd play dress up with them all that month.

  13. I have an unhealthy fear of Darth Vadar... but it could be remedied with someone as cute as that one!

  14. My son can't wait to get his Spider Man halloween costume so he can stop dressing up in his sisters dress up outfits! lol Now that would be a great WW pic huh? lol

  15. Aww! What a great photos! Looks like something you'd see in my home. Happy WW

  16. Darth Vador is scary and intimidating.

  17. yes, dress up time is so much fun

  18. I just called sunnyboy over to have a look and he loves these pictures! Happy WW :)

  19. Aww, so cute! Mini Star Wars fan in the making :)

  20. Cool costume and even cooler price!

  21. LOL, that totally caught me off guard. I jumped!

  22. My boys would be in *heaven* with this! We have light sabers, of course, but the whole kit and kaboodle would be awesome! Very cool. :)

  23. In my house, dress up is any Disney Princess Dress. This looks like so much fun! You are too smart, I can never plan that far ahead.

  24. i loove it! I wish you weren't so far away, we would have special treats for Star Wars characters! -)

  25. Cute! My little nephew loves Star Wars and was DV last year!!!


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