Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Am In Love With Our CSA

A few years ago, my sister-in-law found out from a friend that there is an organic CSA farm in our town. We both got so excited! It is expensive, so we agreed we would split the share and she put us down on the waiting list. It took 2 years but she finally got the email over this past winter saying we made it to the top of the list and we could get a share this year. YAY!

With our CSA, you pick up once a week so we have been alternating weeks. I went week 1, she went week 2, etc.  The first week that the farm was open they had Strawberry picking and my 5 year old had a blast. I swear they were the best tasting strawberries I have ever eaten.  That first week was mostly salad greens and other greens like spinach. As a bonus I also got a Dalia bulb to plant!

As the season has been moving on each week there is more and more food to choose from. A few weeks ago we got to pick our own Sugar Snap Peas and Basil. This past week was my 3rd pick up and I was in complete shock with how much they had out and how much we were allowed to take. I know we paid in advance but I swear I feel like I am robbing them. Just take a look at what I cam home with on Saturday.

I still can't believe how much food I got. My favorite part is going out into the fields and cutting my own herbs or picking my own veggies/fruit. I told my sister-in-law that just the experience alone is worth the money. I feel more connected to the land and the food, as silly as that may sound. And while I absolutely hate bugs like spiders, I find comfort in seeing them crawling over the plants as I am picking because it is a reminder that there are no pesticides being used.

Who else out there in the blogosphere is part of a CSA? I'd love to hear about your experience and why you enjoy it? Have a blog post about it? Share it!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: 6 months old

My baby boy at about 6 months old. He'll be 7 months next week!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Green Giveaway Friday 7/9

Here are some featured Green Giveaways that I have found around the blogosphere. Please add both your green and non-green giveaways and contests into Mr. Linky below so we can do some blog hoppin!

You can also submit your green giveaways to me during the week for me to feature on Fridays. Be sure to include giveaway title, expiration date and link.

Going Green with Noah
Handmade Eco-Friendly Baby Rattle 7/9

Just Another New Blog

Men's Lotion and Soap from Theraneem Organix 7/10

Life of a Modern Mom
Thirsties Duo Cloth Diaper 7/10

The Mom Buzz

Bebe-O Prenatal Vitamins 7/18

Moms Wear Your Tees
EvoraPlus Probiotic Mints 7/12

Toxic Beauty Blog
Blended Naturals Organic Shea Butter Balm 7/14

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Toxic Chemical Lobby

"Tell Congress it's time to get tough on toxic chemicals."

We need Congress to act now, to make sure the products we reach for, sleep on, and eat from every day aren’t loaded with toxic chemicals. You can help Congress stay strong in the face of chemical industry pushback but only if you speak out.

Learn more.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Do You Bring Your Own Food To The Movies?

This past Monday we loaded up the car and took the whole family to see Toy Story 3 (NOT in 3D, I hate 3D). Yes that means myself, my husband, one 5 year old, two 3 year olds and a 6 month old. For the twins it was their first time at a movie theater and it was only the third time for the oldest. Over the past few years I have gotten into the habit of bring my own snacks and beverages to the movies. For starters its pretty much all junk and nothing appropriate for toddlers.  But mainly because it is do darn expensive. I would be OK with my kids getting a treat if it did not cost a fortune. (Plus, I do love me some Raisinets).

Normally we go to the small independent theater in town which seems OK with me bringing my own stuff in. I've walked in with reusable water bottles and candy I bought ahead of time with no problems. However this time we went to a chain theater the next town over because we specifically wanted the non-3D movie. As we were standing at the box office dropping $40 on movie tickets, I glanced to the side and saw a big sign that said your own food and beverages were not allowed beyond that point or into the theaters.

I chuckled to myself "Just you try and stop me!" To my advantage I was carrying an infant and being trailed by 3 little boys.  So with that comes a big ole diaper bag. A diaper bag that I had packed with 3 Thermos cups of water and some Revolutions Foods Grammy Sammys and Jammy Sammys. We got settled into our seats and then the boys all enjoyed a yummy snack while watching the previews (which were like 20 minutes - ugh!). And of course they loved the movie, we are big Buzz and Woody fans in this house. Mommy liked it too.

So do you bring your own food and drink into a movie or am I the only crazy one? What are some things you have brought and did you ever have any trouble with staff?

Green Giveaway Friday 7/2

Here are some featured Green Giveaways that I have found around the blogosphere. Please add both your green and non-green giveaways and contests into Mr. Linky below so we can do some blog hoppin!

You can also submit your green giveaways to me during the week for me to feature on Fridays. Be sure to include giveaway title, expiration date and link.

Going Green with Noah
Juppy Baby Walker Giveaway  7/4
Handmade Reversible Bib Giveaway 7/7
Handmade Eco-Friendly Baby Rattle 7/9

Just Another New Blog
Green Apple Peel from Juice Beauty 7/4
Men's Lotion and Soap from Theraneem Organix 7/10

Life of a Modern Mom
Thirsties Duo Cloth Diaper 7/10

The Mom Buzz
Lunchskins Reusable Baggies 7/2
Bebe-O Prenatal Vitamins 7/18

Moms Wear Your Tees
EvoraPlus Probiotic Mints 7/12

Toxic Beauty Blog
Blended Naturals Organic Shea Butter Balm 7/14